Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Communication is our connection, our cellular healing mechanism.

My key focus is for the creation of a Resource Based Economy and the ability we have to make it happen.
The monetary system has been out dated by today's understandings, it is 'inherently' corrupt and will always be corruptible, therefor it can not be any other way. Hundreds of years and still money corrupts our precious lives and way of life. It must gradually be phased out with the implementation of a Resource Based Economy. This systems foundation at it's core is based in fact not fiction, decisions no longer made by mere political opinion but fact based resource information. Do we today on earth have enough resources to house and feed all people? Yes, we do. We not only have enough for all people we have the ability to create tenfold more. The Zeitgeist movement is championing this awareness right now so we're in support.http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ Very simple clear and present.
Ooooby is another fantastic grass roots movement for the people; "Out Of Our Own Back Yards" As more and more of our food is becoming corporate controlled Ooooby is a great solutionhttp://ooooby.ning.com/

"Zeitgeist Addendum" essential viewing for anybody seeking truth outside the box. It's free to watch on line; http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912#

Before we even mention the looming Codex regulations being slipped into law under our noses, here is a solution! http://ooooby.ning.com/

Codex Alimentaries is set for GLOBAL implementation on DEC 31 2009!
Every WTO (World Trade Organization) compliant country must comply, other wise suffer trade sanctions.
Some factual traction - Judi Dench "We Become Silenthttp://herballure.com/Special/WeBecomeSilent/QuickTime.html

Please forward the links to friends. Remember in theory it only takes 6 people you know to reach the world.

When we recognize ourselves on a cellular level we can see the direct relationship between our inner being and our external world. A realm of reflection, a mirror image to see your inner self. A space where spirituality and science meet, revealing our divinity and the understanding we all hold of the universe.
The stars and the influence they have are written inside our DNA coding. To decode our reflection we need to remove our fear of seeing it.
All we are really afraid of is ourself. All People are powerful, creative, beautiful. Every where we look we see people taking advantage of the power we have given them. It is our misguided power given at will to be governed and controlled, driven and perpetuated by our way out of date system. A system we have now far surpassed with present day knowledge. True human nature is to progress. Understanding this, we see there is no fear, It is an illusion, it's simply the power we give over. We can just as easily bring it back too. If people realize there power on mass it will be over for the so called establishment that keeps us buckled under. Our unwillingness to govern our world means we are governed by a few for there own benefit not the world as a whole and we get the government we deserve when we don't speak up. People need to stand up and be counted, if we put enough effort in we'll over come, and when we do it together it's actually not that much effort at all compared to the slave like 9 till 5 world of the monitory system.

We can think from within both the spiritual and scientific dimensions - The eternal vibration we feel that connects us all, to the emotional conscious spark we know as life. From here we get a mirror image of what is happening in our external world, the two energy's being the sum of our consciousness. If we give too much energy and belief to either one of these, our ability for reflection is blurred. A clear image is found in balance.

We are already part of a movement. Lets seek some reflection of this. We are made up of some 50 trillion cells. Each of these cells communicate to make our human form, we experience this reality together - our connection; we experience this life together......as one. Your cells are working in perfect harmony to give you life. 6 billion people and trillions of life forms make our world. Our world is one cell amongst trillions of stars - parallel reflections. The difference being humanity has not yet achieved the basic unity we individually have in our body. This is because we have a break down of communication. When cellular communication breaks down it creates cancer, thus global communication is the healing mechanism. People must unify and harmonize then we can heal the earths immune system.
The movement we are currently following has been designed by a few of our cells, not by the whole - a very small percent of the population are controlling our destiny. Until we take responsibility and govern ourselves, our own decisions & actions, this movement will stay in control as a cancer that sends false signals to our immune system. These signals have blinded us to it's true intention; That of global control with the dismantling of our essential human rights.

Our feeling of powerlessness is an illusion.
We have all of the power in the universe on our side! Because there is no 'side' no enemy, no threat apart from our own unwillingness to govern our decisions and actions. The illusion we have no power, is just that, an illusion.

To see this game for what it is, we must realize we're all connected, that we are in fact ONE BEING. The universe and everything in it is one. This reality is an extreme experience to exercise the realization of our 'Oneness' In other words; it is the separation of our oneness to really see it. The seemingly endless cycle of corruption we experience is designed by us, to witness the birth of our true unity. We can learn to remove the self from our decisions and our actions. By doing so we can connect and clearly see our path.

We are subconsciously creating all of our external problems - war poverty etc only to see they really exist internally, in each and every one of us. In the same way a cancer cell stops communicating to the whole for the good of the whole, our own realization refuses to recognize the corruption and greed of this cancer. When we can reach deeper into our cellular communication - when we can HEAR the message coming from the cells that recognize this cancer, we have the ability to heal.

The very thing that keeps us blind is our ego, the self. When somebody shakes our belief system, our reaction is one of the separate un unified cell that is blinded by ego unable to hear the message. The self that believes it is separate from the one. But for good reason; we are evolving.

All of what we see today is created by our inner oneness in order to bring unity. Until we listen to the message we will see more and more pain and suffering. Event's like 9/11 are attempts by us, to wake up, shake up, and listen, full of holes to make us question, to make us seek truth. It is our way of hopefully enjoying this universe in peace, of waking up to our divine nature and of seeing this divinity in all things. The reflections are uncanny 9/11 is a prime example; so full of holes if we're not questioning it we're suffering the ego working to keep us stuck in it's cycle. A cycle that will eventually come and ask; Fear or Love?

By attempting to see the connection between the physical and spiritual self, we can see through false messages being projected onto us from our ego;

Three weeks before 9/11 a BBC reporter with film crew managed to interview Osama Binladin in a cave, warning the US about an imminent attack.
Yet the most powerful, well funded intelligence organization in the world could not find him, and STILL can not find him.
This is not acceptable = It does not compute.

The holes are huge and many; Building 7 - crashed to the ground without being hit. Buckling the exact way a building falls with explosives.
And now we have the "loaded gun" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_tf25lx_3o

These false messages completely confuse our reality; we know there not possible, there false, so our immune system is fooled into excepting false information.

Our scientific mind opens the door to our spirituality connecting the two, quantum physics being one such science.
When we look without fear, without fear of other people judging us and forming our findings, we can see. The gift we have is communication - to pass on new cellular codes and ways of decoding, decoding what we see in our world and forming a cellular unity that can over come the illusions we have created with a simple tuning in to the inner self to recognize, we are one.


Inspiration information;

Human Nature or Human Behavior; http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=206516600494&ref=mf

Kymatica http://talismanicidols.org/video.html

Zeitgeist Addendum http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912#